Thursday, March 13, 2008

Letterboxing and Chuckwalla!

We went today to find our first letterbox today. We went to the Hoover Dam to find Stephanie's box. Letter boxing is a little like treasure hunting. Think National Treasure meets boy scouting project and you will have the gist of it. It is an English tradition that began in the 1800's. Carter was able to stay in the car with my mom while Connor and I went hunting for it. We had an absolute blast and found it after a little while. We brought it back to the car for Carter to stamp.

After we found the box, Connor saw a big "lizard".I thought it was a gila monster. But when we got home Connor researched it and found out that it is actually a chuckwalla . So, we watched him (her?) for awhile before heading back home. It was HUGE!

The weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day.


Unknown said...

That looks so cool Barb! I am going to have to run it by the boys and see if they are interested in doing something like this.


Barb said...

Hey April,

It was really fun. If you want to get the boys together and do one that would be great!


Stephanie said...

Holy moley! In all the times we've been out there to check on our box, we've never seen a lizard like that! How awesome! Glad you enjoyed it!