Monday, April 7, 2008

Please Turn the Volume Down!

I need a vacation. A solitary stay in a silent monastery sounds perfect. Actually, Mrs. Puff gave me the idea (if you know any child under the age of 15 you know who I am talking about). We were watching the episode where Mrs. Puff goes to jail and SpongeBob and Patrick insist on trying to break her out. I felt so sorry for poor Mrs. Puff, why couldn't SpongeBob just leave the poor woman alone instead of haunting her every moment with that insidious laugh and stupid smile? Jail doesn't really fit my style though. Somehow I doubt that jail bunks have the 600 thread count sheets I require for sleeping :) So, the idea of the monastery came to be. It would feel like a small piece of Heaven to be somewhere quiet for just a few days. It seems like everything around me is is just SO LOUD lately. Everything feels like noise to me. I know, I know, I KNOW it is because I feel some insane need to take on everything...the HOA Board, starting a new homeschool group, keeping a company going, taking the kids to everything that they take on, being a wife and mom in general I guess and I know that I am not the only mom in the world to feel this way once in a while. So, if you are a little stressed too, why not book a room with me......just please, NO TALKING!

PS...I am checking into the thread count at the monastery :)


Tina said...

Trust me when I say that I know exactly what you mean. I can't leave any room of the house with out one of the kids following me. I mean come on I can't even go to the potty with out someone bursting in the door or banging on the door. No TINA time at all. Quiet time? What's that?

Six Arrows said...

Red Rock- my yourself. Just sit, listen and renew!

Six Arrows said...

BY yourself. Geez, I need a trip there, too!!